Snow? Septic Tank, Deadlines, Dolly

on January 29, 2025 Carolyn
My old friends Diane (seated) and Debby during a holiday visit.

Dear Friends and Readers,

This is my life in the first month of 2025. Snow is predicted, I had to have the septic tank pumped (not a big deal except it took a while to get a company to come out—everyone is busy), I’ve had edit deadlines and need to be writing on the next Bones book, and I have a foster from the county shelter, Dolly.

On the whole, though. I have no complaints. I think of that terrific John Prine song, “Dear Abby.” “Dear Carolyn, dear Carolyn, you have no complaints. You are what you are and you ain’t what you ain’t. So listen up, Buster, and listen up good. Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.”  Ha ha ha. And I had a very sweet surprise from my friend, Dorothy, who sent me a King Cake from Gambino’s Bakery. Praline filling! I have put a hurting on it!

I will soon have a new edition of THE BOOK OF BELOVED up for sale. I got the rights back and we’ve been working on the manuscript and a new cover. So soon! I hope. It’s just a lot of work. And I am befuddled by a lot of it. Thank heavens for Priya Bhakta!

Piper meets Dolly
Will you adopt me? Love, Dolly

The happy news is Dolly. She is part basset and lord knows what else. She is the gentlest dog I’ve ever met. She’s had a rough go, and she doesn’t trust me at all. But she will now take a treat from my hand. She is afraid of being on the leash, but we are making progress. She is just a sweet soul and soon I will have her housebroken and ready for love. She is HW positive, and I am working with the county to get that fixed too. Keep fingers crossed that it works out. If someone would step up and say they will adopt her, it would be easier to get it done. I will take care of her through the process, and the new owner would not be charged. She’s about 7, they think. Plenty of good years ahead for her. If you are interested in this sweet soul, please contact Mobile County Animal Control. Or me.  (email me at The shelter handles the adoption process but I can get you to the right people.

photo of yellow rose
The last yellow rose before the cold snap

I have one little yellow rose hanging in before the bitter weather arrives. We always get a cold snap. I got most of the oranges picked before they froze during a cold snap before Christmas. I have one tree, but it makes a lot of oranges.

The rapid flow of time amazes me. My birthday is in May, and I will soon be 72. I am still doing all the farm work (with a little help!) and I’m glad because these animals depend on me. I am fortunate to be healthy, and I don’t take it for granted. I’ve always been physically active, and I am so glad. I’ve also had a lifetime of bad vices! Which proves only the good die young!

I’m working on the latest Bones book, ODE TO THE BONES. I’m taking off on the terrific Bobbie Gentry song, “Ode to Billy Joe.” There is so much talent in my home state. Beauty and talent and a lot of other things. Some not so pleasant. But that is true of any place, I think.

If it snows, I will make photos for the next newsletter—you can count on it. My horses have never seen snow. This could be a riot!

You guys stay warm. Stay active. Keep laughing. Here’s the Prine song I referenced earlier. If you don’t know his work, please check him out. He died in the first wave of Covid, and though I didn’t know him at all, I miss him and his songwriting genius: Dear Abby.

Until next month—Carolyn and the Critters


The cats on the bed

Mr Tab in his heated bed