Ready for Spring

on February 27, 2024 Ashley

Dear Friends and Readers,

Mardi Gras is done. Fat Tuesday is over. We’re in the time of Lent. While the temperatures are still cold, it is clear that Spring is on the way. I don’t mind winter. In fact, I like the cold weather as long as it doesn’t get down to pipe freezing. But I’m ready for Spring.

My front lawn is covered in dandelions. They are happy little flowers to me, and one of the first sources of food for bees—so please don’t kill them. Allow them to bloom and help the eco-system. I went for a walk around Honor Park in Semmes and ended up wandering around a neighborhood enjoying the variety of camellias now blooming. Walking is really the only way to see a place. So many plants and flowers. So lovely.

Went for a walk around Semmes today and discovered that the largest Chinese Sweetgum tree in the state is right here.

Semmes is known as the nursery capital of Alabama. Azaleas and camellias were once exported from Semmes around the world. That may still be true. I’m just not certain. A lot of the nurseries now have crape myrtles, tingle trees, and pines for sale. But the soil around Semmes is rich and can grow a multitude of plants. And vegetables.

Mandy has great plans for growing vegetables, which I will happily eat! Ha ha ha. I’m kind of a black thumb, but I’m great with a fork and knife! I’ll include some photos once things are growing and blooming.

I’m working on a new Bones book—DOG-GONE BONES! It’s going to be fun. And I’m also working on Squatters with Mandy—the feminist, comedic, thriller we are writing together. It’s a very busy time of life for me. I just have to improve my diet and get out and walk more. Spring gives me motivation to do both.

There are some events to put on your calendar. The Mobile Literary Festival will be held next month so make your plans to attend. Jodie Cain Smith does a fantastic job with this every year. Be sure and make your plans to be there.

Sue Brannon Walker, Saundra Grace, and I wrote an article about Eugene Walter for this March issue of Well Read Magazine. Check it out at The magazine is published the first of each month and is a free online magazine for readers and writers. Lots of good info inside.

What big eyes you have!

On the critter front, things have been kind of hectic. Castor, my 14-year-old Siamese type kitty, has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and diabetes. He is doing a lot better, but I can tell you that having a diabetic dog and a diabetic cat keeps me hopping! I just hate it so much when they are sick and feel bad. But I’m lucky to be able to afford to take them to the vet and get them the best care.

The horse vet came and floated Piper and Flicker’s teeth and gave them their spring shots. I can’t imagine my life without all these animals but I will tell you I’d be flush with a lot of money if I didn’t have them. Ha ha ha.

Advance Reader Copies arrived! You can ask your favorite indie bookstore to place a pre-order.

It’s only two months before the release of LIGHTS, CAMERA, BONES! You can pre-order it now. I so appreciate the support you guys give me.

I’m looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day. I love all things Irish, so I’m always happy to wear green and pinch everyone who doesn’t! I especially love the music of Ireland, and here’s a song that touches me deeply: Grace.

Until next month! Read more, eat more, laugh more, and adopt more cats and dogs!



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