Dear Readers,
The wheel of time made another spin and I celebrated my 69th birthday May 12. I’m still upright and still plotting mischief, so I guess age really is relative. I wish I’d acquired a lot more wisdom than I have, but I’m doing my best to be smarter and kinder. I remind myself it’s all in the striving, not acquiring.
I had a very special birthday activity—I was at the Mobile Public Library to celebrate Eugene Walter’s 100th birthday year with a special literary plaque dedication. Eugene’s new plaque located outside on the west side of the library is one of only three literary plaques in Alabama.
Because of Eugene’s love of fun and mischief, dancing cats, and good times, we all dressed in tutus for the occasion. It was good fun and the library did a terrific job putting on a spread of snacks and libation. The wooden cutout of Eugene was a huge hit and we all had our photos made with him with his monkeys and cats. I think of Eugene every single day. I was privileged to know him as a good friend. Lord, that man could talk me into so much trouble, but no matter, we just laughed. He lived his motto everyday—“fun is worth any amount of preparation.”
Events will be held throughout this year to celebrate Eugene and his literary and artistic achievements. If you don’t know Eugene’s work, you should. Here’s the Wikipedia page of Eugene Walter, but there is so much more to know. And take some time to read some of his short stories or poems or novels. He was also a gourmet chef and his several recipe books are to die for.
All of the animals are doing very good—so far. Dick Cheney went on a tear and grabbed 3 of my cats and tried to beat them up, but I intervened, and Dick bit through my thumb. What a bloody mess! I am fine. I just have Frankenthumb now. It looks like it was stolen off a corpse and sewn onto my hand. Damn. For an 18-year-old cat, Dick Cheney still has a lot of chomp in his mandible.
My friend Hope visited me. She came for the Eugene celebration and my birthday and even made my tutu for me. Then she and Aleta Boudreaux and some friends took me out to dinner and surprised me with a delicious birthday cake. Wine was consumed. All good.
Hope and I got a lot of offers for “fun” when we were strolling the downtown Mobile streets in our tutus. We know how to have a good time!
Loads of books will be coming at you. Here’s the crazy schedule—LADY OF BONES in June; SUMMER OF THE REDEEMERS in July; TOUCHED in August; JUDAS BURNING in September (Gorgeous new hardcover editions of these three books featuring the new covers will be available soon); and BONES OF HOLLY in October. I am doing my part to keep you guys entertained. And I’m busy writing TELL-TALE BONES for 2023. Whew! I can tell you all the truth—if Priya didn’t help me, nothing would happen. She is the brains behind all of the books getting published.
I have a special early copy that I will sign and drop in the mail to one of you. If you want to enter this contest, click this: Lady of Bones Giveaway.
Summer is hard upon us now. It’s really hot, and the mugginess has crept in during the morning hours. Dew soaks the grass. I’m raising a mud puddle of tadpoles. I check on them every morning and evening. They’re at the stage where they’re about to grow their back legs. They are fascinating to watch. I wish I’d been smarter in middle school. I know we studied frogs, but I was too busy studying something else!
Please spread the word about my books if you have time. And if you haven’t followed me on my Amazon page, my Bookbub page, and my Facebook Author page, please do. It helps authors to have followers. Legit followers. Not bots.
That’s about all the news from Casa Carolyn. We are all doing okay. But we need to dance more! Everyone needs to dance more! Here’s a tune to get your feet moving—a little belly-rubbing music. You can’t be sad when you listen to this! That Belly Rubbing Blues.
Until next month!
Carolyn and the critters