Dear Friends and Readers,
It’s May and the temps are in the mid to high 90s already. It’s going to be a hot summer—so it’s good to have Sarah Booth to read so you can stay inside and stay cool!
I had a terrific book signing with my “Uncle Brother” Dean James and my buddy Mandy Haynes at the Haunted Book Shop in downtown Mobile, AL. Dean writes as Miranda James and Mandy is a super fine short story writer—so we had plenty of books and stories to share. The audience was lively and fun, and my co-signers were naughty and fun. Here are some photos you might enjoy!
I’ve been really busy with book promotion, signings, blogs, drinks, dinners, and good times. Of the many things I count myself fortunate about, my friends are at the top of the list. I have been blessed with such good friends. Some I can talk into mischief. Some talk me into not being a devil. All are stand-up people. One thing I share with Sarah Booth Delaney is a group of very good friends.
The latest book, LIGHTS, CAMERA, BONES has been getting a lot of good reviews prior to the release. Remember, you can always help a writer out by leaving a review about our books. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or in-depth or even positive. Honest reviews are always welcome, and they are the bomb! Like gold to any writer.
I’ll be at the Ina Pullen Smallwood Public Library in Chickasaw, AL on June 8 at 2 p.m. One of my very talented former students, Amber Johnson, is the librarian there and invited me by to meet folks, sign books, and generally have some fun. I’m really happy about this. I haven’t seen Amber in a awhile. So drop by and say hello if you have a chance.
My good friend and hair stylist Trish has been having some health issues. I haven’t had a haircut in months! Honestly, my hair grows like weeds, so don’t judge if you do see me. I’m just waiting for my friend to feel better. By that time she may need to get some sheep shears after me.
Speaking of which, I had to try to shave my fuzzy-wuzzy dog Tundra myself. The young woman who normally clips her couldn’t make it happen. So I took on the job. Not the best look, but what the hey—she is cooler and that’s what matters. I swear I will not take the dog clippers to my own head, though!
This month the critters are doing okay. I’m still battling diabetes and IBD with poor Castor. We are pulling out all the stops to try to get his digestive issues resolved. He is a big, loving kitty who never complains, and he is older. Fifteen or so. But I know his digestive condition is miserable. My other diabetic pet, Izzy the dog, is doing great. She loves her food, even the glycol-balance food. And Scooter, my oldest “little pet” who is now 19, seems content. She sleeps a lot, which makes me sad. But as long as she is comfortable, I’m good with the program.
I got Scooter the day after Hurricane Katrina when I had to drive to a truck stop in Saraland to get gasoline for the generator I had then. I saw a woman on the side of the road, sitting with a cat in a carrier and a rat in another carrier. She had her dog on a leash. I was worried about her so I stopped to ask if I could help her in any way. She said no, her family was coming to get her and help her fix her car that had broken down while she was evacuating from New Orleans after the hurricane. But she said I could do one thing for her—there was a little kitten behind the ice machine at the truck stop. That kitten was Scooter.
I got behind the ice machine (how I will never know) and managed to get the kitten and put her inside my shirt. She was terrified and almost in shock. It was hot as hell, as it always is after a hurricane, so I got her in the truck with the AC blasting, got a little water in her, then a little baby food, and got her to a vet. She has been my sidekick ever since. She is my little bed kitty who sleeps in the crook of my arm. For all the 19 years I’ve had her, Scooter has given me zero trouble. It is so hard to watch them age, though. I know most of you understand this.
Okay, guys, that’s the news for this month. June will be here in a blink. Here’s a tune to listen to—and one of the reasons I love narrative songs. Kudos to “the possum” for this fine song, which breaks my heart every time I hear it: He Stopped Loving Her Today.
Until next month!
Carolyn and the Critters!
Kissing Noel Tate at my book launch party
Thank you for coming, Abby. We had some laughs.