Happy New Year!

on December 31, 2024 Ashley


Dear Friends and Readers,

Well, 2024 is done. I’m always amazed when a new year rolls around. It seems I never had enough time in the old year to do all I needed to do. No complaints, though. I got a lot done. It’s been a wild ride.

In 2024, I published two books: LIGHTS, CAMERA, BONES and BLUE CHRISTMAS BONES. I had a blast writing both books. And I posted an awful lot of awful puns on Facebook. I had plenty of laughs with my friends and I shed more than a few tears over losses of beloved pets and friends who left this plane.

Good Fortune Farm Refuge, working with our friends and other rescues, helped place a number of cats and dogs in loving homes. Please, please spay and neuter your pets. Do it as a personal favor to me or do it as a favor to yourself and the animals. Neutered animals have a healthier life and are less prone to fighting and other activities that can cause harm and death.

We also had some losses at GFFR. I know that accepting loss is part of life, but it sure isn’t the easy part. My two oldest cats are now no longer suffering. That part never gets easier, but they were old and sick. At a certain point, there are no options.

I’d much rather welcome the new family members than say goodbye. My great-niece Jordan had a second little boy, and he is a hoss. He and his older brother are going to be tall men when they grow up. I’m sure they will be geniuses in whatever field they gravitate to. My great-nephew has a little girl who is sunshine and all things fun. Maylin is her name, and you might meet her namesake in some of the Sarah Booth books.

I had several great, fun book signings. I don’t travel as much as I once did. It’s just part of how life unfolds. Things like travel do get a little harder. I’m still amazed that my older brother Dean James goes on such extended trips. I guess it’s that Geritol he tipples when no one is looking!

It is the holidays, so this is a brief newsletter. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2025 will bring wishes granted and prosperity to all.

I don’t make resolutions. I know myself well enough to know I am not going to hold myself accountable. But hey, we can’t all be outlaws, can we?

Take care. Have fun. And here’s a tune for the holidays: Winter Wonderland.

Happy New Year’s Eve,
Carolyn and the Critters