Gulf Coast — Hurricane Alley

on September 28, 2021
Jitty's Jilted Hearts
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Dear Reader,

This has been a wild year for hurricanes already, and we are just past the peak season. There’s several more weeks to go before it is officially over and one developing off the coast of Africa. Louisiana has seen the brunt of this year’s activity (as I write this newsletter) but Mississippi and Alabama have nearly drowned. Not to mention up the eastern coast, where Ida and Mindy flooded dozens of places. And those in the West are suffering a terrible drought and wildfires. Our climate is a mess.


I know it seems that the efforts of one measly human doesn’t have any impact, but you can. Everybody has to find the things they can do to help. I don’t waste food. I have dogs to help me with this. I try not to drive unless it’s necessary, and I am one of the lucky people who have a hybrid. I know that is not possible for a lot of people, but the savings on gas may be worth looking into. There are a million tiny things we each can do to help. Find a few that you can work into your routine and start making the changes. If we all pull together, we can make a huge difference. I remember my grandmother talking about the victory gardens and how women started wearing shorter skirts and shorts to save on material during WWII. Hey, that was a trend a lot of young people could get into!

I had started working on the next Pluto’s Snitch book, but I have an opportunity to write a Sarah Booth Christmas book for 2022, so I think I must turn my attention to that. I’m thinking about setting it in Bay St. Louis, MS. There are just so many wonderful little cities in Mississippi to set a book. I’ll keep you updated on how it’s going. LADY OF BONES is set for release May 2022. Here’s the cover—isn’t it gorgeous? It’s up for pre-order already.


My wonderful great-niece Jordan is home from Japan. She’ll be in Mobile for a little while before she heads out to San Diego to meet her husband, Drew, when he arrives on the Naval ship. She’s getting to see the world.

A little closer to home, Hope Oakes and I toured the Mardi Gras museum in Mobile—taking a break from the farm chores. We always have fun when we’re together, and this was no exception. I learned some interesting things—and it was good of Hope to blast me off the farm for an afternoon. I get really stuck in my routine, which is just downright boring.

Susan Tanner is finishing her next Trouble book, TRAIL OF TROUBLE, set in Oregon. I just read the first draft and it’s a fun tale with horses and that sassy black cat. We’re looking at a January 17 release date. I hope by next newsletter to have a cover to show.

I lost my wonderful Beulah Girl this month. I took her to the vet for what I thought was a sinus infection but it turned out to be much worse. She never let me know she was hurting—she ate and played and never let on that she had cancer. I’m still grieving her and Red, the horse. And my human losses this year have been hard too. But the other animals are doing pretty good. Sorrow recovered from her surgery like a champ. Scooter has another round of antibiotics for her bladder issue, but is much, much improved. So we march on into October, hoping for cool, crisp weather.

photo photo


Here’s a little music to get your feet moving: Click Me. It’s been a tough summer–let’s have some fun!




Jitty's Jilted Hearts

Dear Jitty,

I live in a haunted house. I know it’s haunted, but no one else believes me. Let me explain. The house in question is an older place—beautiful structure with high ceilings and a long, dark central hallways with an attic fan. It’s the hallway that’s haunted. The ghost is a young woman in a black dress with a veil, like she’s in mourning. She stands at the end of the hallway, and I see her often out of the corner of my eye. But when I really look, she is gone. I did some research on the house, and I discovered that in the 1890s, two sisters lived there. One died in an accident and the other went into mourning. She never stopped wearing black until she died. I believe it is this sister that haunts my home. How can I get rid of her?

Haunted in Huntsville

Dear Haunted,

As I’m sure you know, there are rules regarding spirits from the Great Beyond and how they should interact with the living. Sounds to me like you got yourself a rogue spirit, one that’s lookin’ for somethin’ she can’t find. So you have to help her.

I believe she’s lookin’ for her sister. If she’s still wearin’ mourning, she is still grievin’ her loss. Since you’ve done the research, you know the names of these sisters and perhaps you can discover where they are buried. Take photographs of their graves and make a display at the end of the hall. Tell this spectral being that she and her sister are both dead and can now be together. Leave the photos where she can see them. Once she realizes that she can access her sister in the spirit world, she should leave you alone.

Now unless she’s specifically connected to you as I am to Sarah Booth, this should clear up your issues. Just to be on the safe side, you might want to sage the house after this is done.

Jitty the Wise

P.S. For everyone reading this, let me guide you honey chile. Get some advice by writing me at