Animal Insanity!

on June 25, 2024 Ashley

Hello There...

Dear Friends and Readers,

I am losing my mind with sick animals right now. Lily had surgery to remove two cysts and two growths. She is obsessed with getting to her stitches. Ack! She has a cone, but she is very, very sly. The two cysts removed from her back are fine. But the growth on her back leg and tail have been a real challenge. Send her some energy to BEHAVE! And not drive me to drink.

Castor the 15-year-old cat with diabetes and IBD, is refusing to eat his prescription food to try to keep his gut from exploding. So I have to syringe feed him so I can give him his insulin shots. Ack!

Izzy, who is also diabetic and with Cushings, is actually doing good. She minds well and is a sweet girl. She was Cissy’s dog, and I took her when Cissy got too sick to care for her. Now that I have lost Cissy, Izzy lives here permanently. She is part of the pack and a real stick-tight.

The horses had their feet trimmed today. My regular farrier is sick, so we had a new blacksmith out to do the job and he was excellent. Keep a good thought for my regular guy, though. He needs to feel better!

Scooter, the 20-year-old kitty is doing good. We finally got her congestion under control, and she is feeling much better.

Kismet wants to go outside and is truly driving me nuts. He doesn’t stay on the back porch. He prances his silly white butt down the driveway and toward the road. Not happening. Not happening at all. He just can’t go outside anymore, and he resents it. But better safe than sorry.

Rachel and Chipara need an allergy shot—if I can get them in a carrier. They are semi-feral. Strangely they are both dilute calicos. I hope that is the correct term. And they have terrible skin. Ugh.

I’m able to pet Apollo on the back porch. Madonna is still very wary of me, but progress is being made. I would love to get them all in!

Erik is a demon. He growls and bites me while he demands that I pet him. He has personality plus, but what a torment he is.

Karma is great! As are Mr. Tabb, Ollie, and Blitz.

The dogs are good. Pearl, Tundra, Leroy, and Casper are holding their own. Thank goodness!

So that’s the pet report for this summer. Mandy and I have finished SQUATTERS, the comedic feminist thriller we have been writing. Keep fingers crossed that the agent likes it and we can sell it. It’s fun and crazy and very, very BAD!

LIGHTS, CAMERA, BONES is selling very well. And remember BLUE CHRISTMAS BONES will be out in October. Thank you all so much for the reviews you left. It makes a huge difference.

This has been a crazy busy year. The grass is knee high. It rains every day (not complaining, though, because it cools things off), and there is so much to do and not enough time to get it done. But that is summer on the farm.

More news next month—I’ll focus on telling bad stories about my friends instead of an animal report. And that is a threat, Debby! Ha ha ha.

Until then, here’s a song for you: Dance Me to the End of Love. It almost breaks my heart it is so tender and lovely. If you don’t know Leonard Cohen’s work, do yourself a favor and explore it.

Until next time,

Carolyn and the Critters!